Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big Boy... Six Months Old and almost 17 lbs

Hey everybody, we wanted to post and share some new pictures of our big boy. Rachael took Luke for his six month check-up and Luke weighed in at 16 lbs and 15 ozs and was 26 inches long. Luke continues to do great and to be a lot of fun. He laughs all the time, loves to run in his walker, is using his sippy cup pretty good and is eating carrots and sweet potatoes now and making lots of messes. On Feb 16th we celebrated Rachael's birthday and that was fun. Rachael started back to work after taking six months off, so Luke got to start going to day care. Our pastor's wife and good friend is watching Luke at day care, so we know he is getting lots of love and that makes it better for mom and dad.

Click here for some more pictures of our big guy.

1 Comment:

Steph B said...

Love the new pictures Luke is getting so big - and is such a cutie! Glad you all are well!

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